





321-A Milbank Hall 十大电竞游戏综合排名 (on campus)
M 2:30-3:30pm & 按照约定


I am an anthropologist of China with training in medical anthropology and psychoanalysis. My research interests include addiction and recovery, 劳动, 体现, 确有其事, 公民社会, 精神分析实践与理论, and the politics of transmitting psychological knowledge.

我的第一本书, Recovering Histories: Life and Labor after Heroin in Reform-era China (University of California and Columbia Weatherhead 2020), offers a phenomenological account of long-term heroin users’ experiences recovering from addiction in a tin mining city. Members of this generational cohort felt stuck in an earlier moment of the country’s rapid reforms, encountering a world that no longer resembled either the tightly knit Maoist work units of their childhood or the disorienting but opportunity-filled chaos of their early careers. In navigating fraught wedding rituals, performing compulsory 劳动 and emulating later-arriving entrepreneurs, individuals attempting to “return to society” elucidate shared challenges of inhabiting China’s contested present.

My new research explores the introduction of group relations conferences (GRCs) to China. 在战后英国开创先河, GRCs teach participants to become better leaders by recognizing and responding to unconscious group processes. In group events designed to provoke phantasy and conflict, everything from geopolitical tensions to intimate dreams is made available for attendees to connect, 批判, 并反思. My fieldwork in staff and member roles at conferences and in visits to workplaces explores how the negotiation of meanings in and around GRCs contributes to imagining authority and collective life in contemporary China and beyond. I am also co-editing a special issue re-appraising China’s long 1980s and participating in a col劳动ative book project exploring affective intensities of life during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

I did my undergraduate degree at Pomona College and studied and worked in international public health before completing my PhD in medical anthropology at UC Berkeley and UCSF. 在来十大电竞游戏综合排名之前, I taught anthropology courses at USC and UCLA and was a research analyst candidate at the New Center for Psychoanalysis in Los Angeles. 我教的课程包括文化, Mental 健康 and Healing in East Asia, 探讨欲望的研讨会, 劳动, 和方法在中国, 身体与社会, 和接近创伤. I co-chair Columbia’s Modern China Seminar and am affiliated with the medical anthropology track at Barnard.

  • 文学士:波莫纳学院
  • 硕士:哥伦比亚大学
  • PhD: University of California, Berkeley and San Francisco

  • Medical and psychological anthropology
  • 成瘾与康复
  • 公民社会
  • Psychoanalysis, authority and groups  

  • Recovering Histories: Life and Labor after Heroin in Reform era China. University of California Press and Weatherhead Columbia Press 2020.
  • “The Ones Who Struck Out: Entrepreneurialism, 海洛因成瘾, and Historical Obsolescence in Reform Era China.《立场:亚洲批判.3 (2018): 423-449.
  • “On knowing addiction: A review essay of works by Hansen, Raikhel, and Shukla.” Political and Legal Anthropology Review, 2018.
  • “Idling in Mao’s Shadow: 海洛因成瘾 and the Contested Therapeutic Value of Socialist Traditions of Laboring." Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry (2018) 42.1: 49-68.
  • 尼古拉斯·巴特利特, William Garriott, Eugene Raikhel. “什么是‘治疗差距’?”? Ethnographic perspectives on addiction and global mental health from China, 俄罗斯和美国.” Medical Anthropology, 2014 33(6), 457-477.

  • EAAS UN3230 Labor, Love and Leisure in Contemporary China
  • EAAS UN3844 Culture, Mental 健康 and Healing in East Asia
  • EAAS GU4840 China and the Politics of Desire
  • EAAS GU4236 China’s Long 1980s (with Prof. 应钱)
  • FYS BBC1740走近创伤


亚太裔文化月(五月), Barnard professors educate us on the remarkable contributions of lesser-known Asian American women from history.
